

exhibitions /



List sorted by date in reverse order of the architect Antonino Cardillo participations in series of conferences and collective exhibitions in schools and museums



The architect participations in series of conferences in schools and museums

Di Santo Fifth Year Studio

Elogio del Grigio, Castiglione delle Stiviere, 9 August 2024

At the invitation of professor Tom Di Santo, Cardillo discusses the phenomenology of self-documentation of his work in the conference ‘Architecture of a historiography:’ during a visit to his project, casa Elogio del Grigio, as part of the study trip in Italy for students from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.

Events at the Pepoli Museum

Museo Pepoli, Trapani, 26 May 2023

Anthropologist Rita Cedrini interpreted Cardillo’s projects in the conference ‘Anthropology in architecture’, part of the series of cultural events of the Agostino Pepoli Regional Museum in Trapani.

Dessau Talks

DIA, Bauhaus Campus, Dessau, 13 November 2019

After an introduction by professor Johannes Kister, Cardillo recounted his built projects in the conference ‘A synchronicity of cultures and civilisations’, part of the Dessau Talks series of the Dessau Institute of Architecture of the Bauhaus Campus.

Rome Video Game Lab 2019

Istituto Luce Cinecittà, Rome, 11 May 2019

At the invitation of curator Diego Grammatico, Cardillo talked about his relationship between video games and architecture in the conference ‘From Zak McKracken to House of Dust’, part of a panel for the Rome Video Game Lab festival of the Istituto Luce at the Cinecittà Studios.


Royal College of Art, London, 22 January 2019

At the invitation of the students of the Royal College of Art, Cardillo talked about ’The making of Rome’s Off Club’ in the Inside/Out series curated by representatives Yara Boulos and Riccardo Rizzetto of the Interior Design department.


STATION-Berlin, Berlin, 23 November 2017

At the invitation of curator Stephan Burkoff, Cardillo spoke about the archetypes of the language of architecture in the conference ‘Vaults, grottoes, arches and polychromy’, at the Heinze ArchitekTOUR congress in the halls of the former Berlin Station.

Mitte/Rand Salon

Mitte/Rand Verlag, Berlin, 21 November 2017

At the invitation of curators Jeanette Kunsmann and Stephan Burkoff, Tim Berge interviewed Cardillo about his beginnings, his attitude towards antiquity and the sexuality of architecture at the Mitte/Rand lounge on Berlin’s Marienstraße.

Constructed Realities

Goethe–Universität, Deutschen Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, 1 December 2015

At the invitation of professors Chris Dähne, Frederike Lausch and Bettina Rudhof, Cardillo presented the ‘Seven Houses for No One’ series and spoke about the faked reality in the conference ‘The Dream Houses of Antonino Cardillo’, part of the Constructed Realities series of Goethe University at the German Museum of Architecture in Frankfurt.

Intermediate Unit 2

AA School, London, 20 November 2013

At the invitation of Professors Ana Araujo and Takero Shimazaki, and student Alexandra Savtchenko-Belskaia, Cardillo spoke about the House of Dust and supervised the field trip to Sicily, part of the Intermediate Unit 2 course of the Architectural Association School of Architecture.

BA Interior and Spatial Design Course

Chelsea College of Arts and Design, London, 15 November 2010

At the invitation of Professor Ana Araujo, Cardillo recounted his computer-generated images in the ‘Light and Rendering’ lesson part of the BA Interior and Spatial Design course at Chelsea College of Arts and Design.



The architect participation in collective exhibitions in festivals and museums

Open House Roma 2024

Open City, Rome, 6–7 April 2024

At the invitation of curator Gaia Maria Lombardo, Andrea Paolo Massara guides the visitors in the Off Club (Anima) project of Cardillo, part of the Open House Rome 2024 program.

Open House Roma 2023

Open City, Rome, 20–21 May 2023

At the invitation of curator Gaia Maria Lombardo, Cardillo guided the visitors in the House of Dust, part of the Open House Rome 2023 program. The work also celebrates the opening day of the Festival by also hosting the first of nine ‘Nine by Night’ aperitifs.

Open House Roma 2021

Open City, Rome, 2–3 October 2021

At the invitation of curator Gaia Maria Lombardo, Alfredo Vattimo’s guided tours of the House of Dust, part of the Open House Roma 2021 program.

Rooms. Novel Living Concepts

Palazzo dell’Arte, Triennale di Milano, 2 April–12 September 2016

The curator Beppe Finessi exhibited the House of Dust among the fifty representative Italian interior architecture projects from 1925 to 2016, part of the ‘Rooms. Novel Living Concepts’ exhibition at the Palazzo dell’Arte of the Triennale di Milano.

Space and Light

Sir John Soane’s Museum, London Design Festival, 13 September–11 October 2014

At the invitation of director Abraham Thomas, the bespoken series of seven sculptures Min were part of the exhibition ‘Space and Light’ in the breakfast room at number 12 of Sir John Soane’s house-museum in London.

Building Images

Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum, Basel, 8 December 2012–21 April 2013

Curator Hubertus Adam exhibited some publications on the House of Convexities and mentions the ‘Cardillo phenomenon’ in the ‘Building Images’ exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Architecture in Basel.

The London Design Festival 2011

Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 17–25 September 2011

Curator Suzanne Trocmé published the Postmodern Cafe project for the keynote exhibition of the V&A ‘Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970–90’ on the guide The London Design Festival 2011.

Wallpaper* Future 30

Chabot Museum, Biennale of Rotterdam, September 2009–January 2010

Journalist Ellie Stathaki exhibited the Lime and Limpid Green House model in the ‘Wallpaper* Future 30’ exhibition at the Chabot Museum for the IV International Architecture Biennial in Rotterdam.

John Foxx DNA

The Horse Hospital, London, 27–31 July 2009

At the invitation of musician John Foxx, exhibition of a print of Ellipse 1501 House and the video ‘Tales of Light’ on four projects (later called ‘Houses for No One’) part of the exhibition on the artists he inspired at The Horse Hospital in London.

Architectural Dialog 4

Popov Central Museum of Communications, St-Petersburg, March–November 2008

Curators Nikolai Fedotov and Sergei Kovaliov exhibited three boards on the projects Canto Sospeso, Let There Be More Light, Ellipse 1501 House and Birnbeck Island, part of the Artindex Architectural Dialogue 4 exhibition at the Central Communication Museum A.S. Popov of St. Petersburg.